79 research outputs found

    Horizontal gene transfer contributed to the evolution of extracellular surface structures

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    The single-cell layered ectoderm of the fresh water polyp Hydra fulfills the function of an epidermis by protecting the animals from the surrounding medium. Its outer surface is covered by a fibrous structure termed the cuticle layer, with similarity to the extracellular surface coats of mammalian epithelia. In this paper we have identified molecular components of the cuticle. We show that its outermost layer contains glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans and we have identified chondroitin and chondroitin-6-sulfate chains. In a search for proteins that could be involved in organising this structure we found PPOD proteins and several members of a protein family containing only SWT (sweet tooth) domains. Structural analyses indicate that PPODs consist of two tandem β-trefoil domains with similarity to carbohydrate-binding sites found in lectins. Experimental evidence confirmed that PPODs can bind sulfated glycans and are secreted into the cuticle layer from granules localized under the apical surface of the ectodermal epithelial cells. PPODs are taxon-specific proteins which appear to have entered the Hydra genome by horizontal gene transfer from bacteria. Their acquisition at the time Hydra evolved from a marine ancestor may have been critical for the transition to the freshwater environment

    Correlation density matrices for 1- dimensional quantum chains based on the density matrix renormalization group

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    A useful concept for finding numerically the dominant correlations of a given ground state in an interacting quantum lattice system in an unbiased way is the correlation density matrix. For two disjoint, separated clusters, it is defined to be the density matrix of their union minus the direct product of their individual density matrices and contains all correlations between the two clusters. We show how to extract from the correlation density matrix a general overview of the correlations as well as detailed information on the operators carrying long-range correlations and the spatial dependence of their correlation functions. To determine the correlation density matrix, we calculate the ground state for a class of spinless extended Hubbard models using the density matrix renormalization group. This numerical method is based on matrix product states for which the correlation density matrix can be obtained straightforwardly. In an appendix, we give a detailed tutorial introduction to our variational matrix product state approach for ground state calculations for 1- dimensional quantum chain models. We show in detail how matrix product states overcome the problem of large Hilbert space dimensions in these models and describe all techniques which are needed for handling them in practice.Comment: 50 pages, 34 figures, to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Исследование параметров контроля качества дефектоскопических материалов

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    Цель данной работы - исследование параметров контроля качества дефектоскопических материалов. Изучена технология проведения контроля, параметры качества дефектоскопических материалов. В результате оценена проникающая способность наборов дефектоскопических материалов. Приведен анализ факторов, влияющих на качество дефектоскопических материалов.The purpose of this work is to study the quality control parameters of flaw detection materials. The control technology, quality parameters of flaw detection materials were studied. As a result, the penetration ability of flaw detector kits was evaluated. The analysis of factors affecting the quality of flaw detection materials is given